The BandBell®️ Trifecta For Shoulder Health

The BandBell®️ Trifecta For Shoulder Health

Date: 2024-03-26
For years, the BandBell®️ bars and Kinetic Training™️ have gained a solid reputation for fixing shoulder injuries and keeping them fixed. More commonly known as Rehab and Prehab respectively, the Earthquake®️ and Bamboo®️ bars have been the go-to lifting tools for this modality. And, in most cases over the past fifteen years, the bench press movement has been the go-to exercise to get the job done. 

Dynamic exercise training

All of this falls under the heading of dynamic exercise training, which is pretty much the opposite of standard steel barbells and gym equipment, better known as linear exercise training.
 BandBell dynamic weightlifting bars and training concepts complement a wide range of functional training programs, athletic skills and linear weight training by strengthening and bulletproofing the larger joints and connective tissue for the athlete.
But  BandBell has discovered that bench pressing is the first exercise, in a trifecta of movements, that takes this kinetic advantage to much higher level.  

Oscillating Kinetic Energy ™️ (OKE)

There’s no question that benching with these bars, (weight hanging from 41″ mini bands), activates and strengthens the stabilizing muscles of the shoulder girdle to effectively condition and ‘bulletproof’ the joint. 
But how does an ultralight, shaky barbell do what no other exercise or standard piece of gym equipment comes close to accomplishing? 
The answer is the Oscillating Kinetic Energy (OKE) created by the fast moving, unstable weight that’s being conducted into the body. 
The central nervous system (CNS) reacts to this challenge by activating the smaller stabilizing muscles of the shoulder girdle, (rotator cuff, biceps and serratus) while slightly inhibiting the larger, primary movers such as the triceps, pectorals and anterior deltoids. 

How The BandBell®️ Stabilizes The Shoulder

The job of the stabilizing muscles is just that – to stabilize the joint so it becomes a more perfect functioning mechanical system. That’s it – plain and simple. With stronger, more effective stabilizers, the joint stays in perfect alignment, functions optimally and allows for safe maximum force output. With strong, well-conditioned stabilizers, the primary movers get to do their job more efficiently as well. It’s a 3x-win situation with the third ‘win’ being a substantial reduction in osteoarthritis resulting in more training years at optimal levels. 

The Kinetic Trifecta For Healthy Shoulders

  1.  BandBell Bars/ Kinetic Training Bench Press
  2.  BandBell Bars/Kinetic Training Overhead Presses and/or Overhead Walking
  3.  BandBell Bars/ Kinetic Training Rear Delt Rows

*These exercises can be done with many different rep schemes to achieve different goals, but a good guide line would be 3-5 sets of 8-12 reps at a weight that is challenging but you will not fail.*

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