Attachments that grow with you

Attachments that grow with you

Date: 2023-04-10

Attachments can transform your rack from a large piece of steel that holds a barbell into a lifting station where you can perform your entire workout without any additional stand-alone machines. Our Alpha Arms are an excellent example, replacing the need for a Chest Press, Should Press, Row, Belt Squat, and many other machines. To find out more about how attachments can replace standalone machines, click here. Attachments that work for both ⅝” and 1” racks ensure that your equipment won’t become obsolete when it comes time to upgrade. Save money and invest in attachments that will grow with you. 

Click here to view all our innovative rack attachments.

5/8" and 1" Attachments Threaded pin

At Stray Dog Strength we specialize in Rack systems and space saving rack attachments, many of our unique attachments were designed to work on 1″ racks only but we have adapted them to make many work for 5/8″ as well as many customers have asked us to. The GOAT Attachment for example works on 1″ offset holes, 1″ inline holes OR 5/8″ Holes. The pin that holds the unit to the rack is threaded and the 1″ pin can go in the inline or offset hole position or it can be swapped out for a 5/8″ pin. What is so great about this is if you upgrade from a 5/8″ rack to a 1″ rack you can just buy a new pin and not have to replace your entire attachment. If you go from an inline hole rack to an offset hole rack (or vice versa) just move the threaded pin to the other hole and you are ready to go. 

Our new Nordic Plate Attachment connects with the same threaded pin the GOAT Attachment uses, these pins are stainless steel to make attaching them smooth every-time. The Nordic Plate Attachment was designed to be the best rack attachable solution for nordic curls, the foot plate allows you to lock your feet and ankles in similar to a GHD Machine. The Nordic Plate Attachment can be added to a Cable Column or Lat Pull down for assisted Nordic Curls. 

Attachments with both 5/8" and 1" HOles

Pictured above is our Lat Seat Attachment, it has both 1″ and a 5/8″ Hole, the attachment works on both 5/8″ and 1″ racks without changing anything other that the Hitch Pin. When you are ordering the attachment you can choose the color of the pad and the hitch pin size you want. The Plastic protection over the 1″ hole also works as plastic protection for the 5/8″ hole. The Lat Seat comes with the Deluxe Version of our ATR Lat Pull Down units, to be placed on top the spotter arm. The Lat seat attachment can be used for more than just a seat, use it as a chest pad for seal rows, an elbow pad for internal and external rotation and other exercises. Our Movable Dip Attachment also has a 5/8″ and 1″ hole, the Movable Dip Attachment can also be stored in a small space against the upright without a special storage attachment. 

Attachments with multiple 5/8" and 1" holes

Both the Utility Seat Pad (pictured above) and the Step Up Plate (pictured below) have two 5/8″ holes and 3 1″ holes. This allows them to be added to either a 5/8″ hole or a 1″ hole on 3×3 tubing. The Multiple holes allow you to add extra hitch pins for more stability as both of these products are often jumped or slammed into. The 5/8″ holes are adjacent to the middle 1″ hole. The Step Up plate works well paired with the GOAT Attachment for variable angle step ups, if you have a 5/8″ GOAT and want to use the Step Up Plate on the GOAT Attachment Get the 1″ version so you have hitch pins to connect it to the GOAT Attachment, and you can use the 5/8″ pins you already own to connect to the upright if you desire. 

lever and alpha arms

Both our Lever Arms and Alpha Arms have a bracket with a single 1″ hole and two 5/8″ holes allowing them to go onto most racks. We can also make them custom with a 3/4″ hole if you order 10 pairs. Do not let wanting a new rack hold you back from adding attachments to add variety to your training, our Alpha and Lever Arms have both 1″ and 5/8″ holes so you can keep them even if you upgrade your rack. 

Storage attachments

Pictured above is our popular Change Plate Storage Attachment, it has one 1″ hole and two 5/8″ holes. The Change Plate Storage is a great space saving storage solution as it stores 2.5, 5 and 10 LBS Change plates with a single bolt taking up less room on the upright. Comes with all MG and STR package Alpha and Triad Racks. The Storage Tabs at the back allow you to store bands, chains, clips or other items in a convenient location. 

Pictured below is our Chain Storage Attachment, which has a single 1″ hole and two 5/8″ Holes. This unit also has Storage Tabs off the back like the Change Plate Storage for extra storage.

5/8" only attachments

The Dual Utility Roller is the only 5/8″ Attachment we make that does not also work on 1″ holes. The Movable Storage Hook 5/8″ version fits in 1″ holes as well as 5/8″ but the Dual Utility Roller 5/8″ version is only for 5/8″ holes unlike our Lat Seat. 

Our Movable Storage Hooks come in 1″ and 5/8″ versions, the 1″ hook has too large of a gravity slit to fit into the 5/8″ hole but the 5/8″ hook works on a 1″ hole. The 1″ hook is stronger as it has two gravity slits to connect it to the rack but the 5/8″ hook can still hold 50 LBS with ease. We also make a Large Storage Hook that holds larger/heavier items such as specialty barbells.


Attachments transform a rack from a large piece of steel that holds a barbell into a lifting station that can transform to do your entire workout at the rack without leaving to use another machine as many rack attachments replace stand alone machines. Our Alpha Arms for example replace the need for a Chest Press Machine, Shoulder Press, Bent over row machine, Belt Squat, Chest Flys, Delt Flys and lateral raise machine. Click here to read our article about attachments that replace stand alone machines. Attachments that work for both 5/8″ and 1″ racks will ensure that your attachments will not become obsolete when you upgrade your rack, save money and invest in attachments that will grow with you. 

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