Cable machine attachments
Space is the most expensive thing to add as construction and land costs are so high, so at Stray Dog Strength our mission is to design spaces that maximize the functionality of the footprint of the room. One way we do this is our Alpha Half Racks have our proprietary guide rod hole pattern on the crossmembers allowing a cable machine attachment to be added to both sides at anytime. Another way we do this is with our Auxiliary Training Racks or ATR units that combine, storage, attachment stations and barbell lifting stations in one footprint.
This allows cable machine attachments to be added without taking up any dedicated floor space. Many facilites do not have room to add multiple Functional Trainers or Lat Pull Down units but everyone has room inside their half racks not being used, that is where we add Cable Machine Attachments.
By incorporating cable machines into the rack stations athletes can stay in one spot for the majority of their workout making them more efficient and not get distracted by friends/teammates.
3 Different Variations

Our Alpha Half Racks can accommodate two of our three different cable machine attachments at a time, between the back and front uprights. The Lat Pull Down and Cable Column, both selectorized machines, seamlessly integrate without expanding the unit’s footprint. The Belt Squat/Lat Pull Down is a plate-loaded machine featuring a 24″ bolt-down base and a pulley system for safer belt squats. This design directly pulls the athlete downwards, preventing harmful shearing forces.
Lat Pull Down Attachment

Our Lat Pull Down Attachment is pictured above added to the right side of this Alpha Half Rack, a Fixed Low Pulley can also be added to add low row/low pulley functionality.When you are done using the Lat Pull Down the Seat, Knee Hold and Lat Bar can all be stored on the back upright, making it a self contained station.
Pictured below is an Alpha Double STR Half Rack with a Lat Pull Down Attachment added to each side. These units also have the Fixed Low Pulleys added to add low row/low pulley functionality to the units.

Cable Column Attachment

Pictured Above is a Cable Column Attachment added to one side of an Alpha Double Half Rack at Triway HS. This rack also has a Lat Pull Down attachment on the right side and a pair of Lever Arms off the back side.
Pictured below is an Alpha MG Half Rack in a home gym with a cable column attachment added to both sides, this creates a 43″ Functional Trainer as well as a half rack.

Belt Squat/lat pull down attachment
Pictured above is an Alpha STR Half Rack with a Belt Squat/Lat Pull Down Attachment on both sides, the left is setup for Belt Squats and the right is setup for Lat Pull Downs. The Belt Squat has a ladder start/stop system allowing various height athletes to get in and out of it in seconds as it adjusts to the athletes height without any adjustment, just push the stop in where the athlete needs.
The Belt Squat/Lat Pull Down Attachment is one of the most versatile rack attachments on the market as it can be used as a belt squat, lat pull down, high pulley or low pulley for dozens of other exercises. It is also a plate loaded unit allowing even the strongest of athletes to be able to use this machine.
Save Money and Space
Pictured above is our Fixed Seat Lat Pull Down/Low Row, this unit is just over $3000 as it is a stand alone unit and comes with a large steel frame. Our Lat Pull Down Attachment for comparison costs, $1575 for the Deluxe 300 LBS Version about half as much as the stand alone version as it uses the frame of the rack saving you not just space but cost.

Cable Machine Attachments are a great way to add cable machines to a facility but save space and cost while not dedicating valuable space to a standalone machine that only does a few exercises. This is all possible thanks to our 3×3″ tubing with 1″ holes spaced 2″ on center all over, this allows you to add various attachments without modifying the racks. We have been doing cable machine attachments inside half racks since 2003, this is nothing new for us.

Pictured above at Triway HS 4 Alpha Double Half Racks have Lat Pull Down Attachments on the outsides and 4 cable column attachments in the center creating two functional Trainers without increasing the units footprint. These 6 cable machines were added without taking up their own footprint allowing Triway to add more equipment in the same amount of square feet.